Doctors estimate that by the year 2025, India may have up to 60 million Osteoarthritis Cases. Currently, in India, hundreds of knee replacements and partial knee replacement surgeries are performed and those numbers are only increasing.

But some of these surgeries are preventable. For a majority of people, knee pain is the most common form of joint pain followed by hip and shoulder pain. This concern can be easily prevented with exercise and a fit lifestyle. Exercise and a healthy lifestyle have a direct impact on muscle strength, joint flexibility, and bone density.

With aging, just like our skin, bones can become very weak and fragile too and that condition is called osteoporosis. It generally occurs in women after menopause and in men as they get older. This bone-thinning orthopedic concern puts people at a grave risk for broken bones which can seriously cause hindrance to mobility and independence. Many studies also suggest that maintaining the right body weight can decrease the chances of osteoarthritis and other orthopedic concerns.

Exercise is crucial for building strong bones when we are younger, and it is equally essential for maintaining bone strength when we are older. Bone is a living tissue and it changes according to the force applied to it. With regular exercise, bones adapt by building more cells and becoming denser. Here are some exercises that can help to prevent orthopedic problems.

  • Brisk walking and hiking
  • Jogging/running
  • Dancing
  • Jumping rope
  • Tennis
  • Team sports, such as basketball and soccer
  • Stair climbing

Another benefit of regular exercise is that it improves body balance and coordination. This is crucial as we get older because better balance and coordination prevent falls and the broken bones that may be a result of it.

Once a person reaches 30 years of age, it is advised that extra care is taken for the bones to avoid orthopedic problems like osteoporosis. Building and maintaining bone strength requires exercise but that is not it. A combination of nutritious diet and right exercise is the ideal way to keep the bone strength intact. So, the best way to maintain the bone strength is getting adequate calcium in your diet and doing the right exercises.

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